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Hare's thistle

Sonchus oleraceus


Numerous achenes with pappus:- A collection of achenes with a bristly pappus forming a soft spherical structure. The radiating achenes are attached to a common receptacle and when mature they detach and get dispersed by wind. Oblong leaves, more or less cut into (pinnatifid) with irregular, prickly teeth on the margins. The upper leaves are much simpler in form than the lower ones, clasping the stem at their bases.


Common names:- 'Common sowthistle', 'Sow thistle', 'Smooth sow thistle', 'Annual sow thistle', 'Hare's colwort', 'Milky tassel', 'Swinies'

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eeptii x
Spotted by
eeptii x

Karnataka, India

Spotted on Sep 28, 2014
Submitted on Oct 2, 2014

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