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Megaceryle alcyon
The belted kingfisher is 28–35 cm (11–14 in) in length with a large head. Color is primarily bluish gray above with a white throat and belly. The bill is long and heavy. The female has a brightly colored band across the chest while the male has a broader less brightly colored chest band. Both genders have a crest.
Wetlands, rivers, and lakes.
These birds tend to be very wary, but this bird posed nicely for me as it fished along a reservoir.
Wow . .
This is a male
Thanks everyone for the kind words. I typically find these birds to be very shy and hard to photograph, but this bird was an exception. It perched repeatedly on this concrete beam and allowed me to approach it quite closely.
great shot, such character in this little guy!
this bird is adorable!
spectacular shot
Wonderful photos!