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Eastern American Blusher

Amanita amerirubescens


This large mushroom had a lot of character! It had an orange-brown cap with volva remnants present as warts, which were easy to pick off. The cap was about 8 cm in diameter and was mostly flat except for the umbo in the center and the upturned margin. The gills were cream colored with short gills present. The stipe had the same coloration as the cap and was about 10cm long. The stem and cap had dark red marks (wounds). The flesh bruised pink when marked.


Growing on the ground in a mixed forest with lots of oak and pine.


This species has long been called Amanita rubescens. Amanita expert Rod Tulloss has documented several eastern North American versions of Amanita rubescens, which now temporarily share the provisional name of "Amanita amerirubescens."

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Christine Y.
Spotted by
Christine Y.

Connecticut, USA

Spotted on Jul 15, 2017
Submitted on Dec 19, 2017

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