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African Spoonbill

Platalea alba


Bird found in Temaiken´s reserve....once more, don´t know its name and help is needed...Help which, I must say, I find GREAT! =)

1 Species ID Suggestions

KarenL 12 years ago
African Spoonbill
Platalea alba African Spoonbill

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Sachin Zaveri
Sachin Zaveri 12 years ago

Nice one,

patty 12 years ago

Thank you once more Karen =). And yes, I guess that´s why it walked up and down the fence...

KarenL 12 years ago

I bet he'd like to get at the fish the other side of the fence!

Spotted by

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Spotted on Sep 21, 2011
Submitted on Mar 1, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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