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Marasmiellus candidus
Very elegant looking all-white mushrooms like delicate white parachutes. Stipes about 25mm long initally horizontal then vertical; same measure across the pileus.
Stacked on the side of a southern beech within tall eucalyptus forest.
The pink colouring is on the top of the highest pileus in the group shot. The pink is not fully explained but it's possible that comes with age. Also a link between this fungus, algae and/or possible lichenisation. ?
Very pretty Argybee!
marasmius candida----> but btw argy bee, can you fill me in, what happend: no clive no slime mold mission anymore-- but this morning where still all looking allright !!! ????
I think you might be right arlanda. I found evidence of that species around here. I think I'll go with it. There's an interesting link to algae and lichens also.
Very close arlanda. Thanks - I'll follow that lead...
Looks like some kind of marasmius, for example check this one: http://www.drustvo-bisernica.si/marasmiu...
or better this one
Not really but close!
Thanks arlanda - now to try to ID it.
Looks like Clive's had enough. A pity his comments and suggestions disappeared too.
beautiful fungus, Argybee