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unidentifed fungus


Several blobs of non-descript fungus in about a 2 meter square area. The largest was generally V-shaped, and primarily dark orange in color, with some white and some green areas. Its longest dimension, across the V, was ~ 130 mm. Each "arm" of the V was ~ 110 mm long.


Suburban neighborhood on tropical upland plateau.


Spotted in a gravel-covered area in a suburban development. The biggest fungus is shown in the first image, a nearby emerging fungus in the second (marked "4" in the third image). The third image is an overview of the area, showing several outliers near the biggest fungus, which was spotted initially. Final thought: the green coloration in some areas of the biggest fungus may be a telltale of the presence of some sort of algal symbiosis. The white may indicate growth areas.

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Allen Hoof
Spotted by
Allen Hoof

Spotted on Oct 21, 2014
Submitted on Oct 22, 2014

Spotted for Mission

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