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Cameron Young-CSC Snake

Cameron Young-CSC Snake

I have a rarely matched passion for all things “snake” but you will be able to guess that from my spottings. :)

Louisville, CO

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Cameron Young-CSC Snake Gray Ratsnake
Gray Ratsnake commented on by Cameron Young-CSC Snake Montgomery, Alabama, USA11 years ago

This snake is what we used to call a black ratsnake but the taxonomy has been changed. It falls into the Gray Ratsnake group now based on its genetics and geographic location.

Cameron Young-CSC Snake Plain-bellied Watersnake
Plain-bellied Watersnake commented on by Cameron Young-CSC Snake Illinois, USA11 years ago

The smell of erythrogaster musk and their willingness to bite is what I love about this species. LOVE!

Cameron Young-CSC Snake Queen snake (young of the year)
Queen snake (young of the year) commented on by Cameron Young-CSC Snake Tennessee, USA11 years ago

Queensnakes are absolutely incredible creatures. They only eat freshly molted crayfish which makes them even cooler.

Great Spotting!!!

Cameron Young-CSC Snake Mojave Sidewinder
Mojave Sidewinder commented on by Cameron Young-CSC Snake California, USA11 years ago

Amazing photo! Thanks!

Cameron Young-CSC Snake Corn Snake
Corn Snake commented on by Cameron Young-CSC Snake South Carolina, USA11 years ago

Is this a pet snake or was it found checking out the toilet paper roll? :)

Cameron Young-CSC Snake Southern Pacific Rattlesnake
Southern Pacific Rattlesnake commented on by Cameron Young-CSC Snake San Luis Obispo, California, USA11 years ago

Wow! A partially striped individual!

Cameron Young-CSC Snake Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake commented on by Cameron Young-CSC Snake California, USA11 years ago

I gave this one a good look too. I think the ID is correct based on where it was found along I-10 near the Nevade border. Southern Pacifics don't make it that far east and Mohave's don't make it that far south. Southern Pacific's also have a brown/tan/yellow terminus to the tail before the rattle. More photos could convince me in a different direction especially since it is near an interstate and people have been known to move snakes out of their range.

Cameron Young-CSC Snake Common Kingsnake
Common Kingsnake commented on by Cameron Young-CSC Snake Knoxville, Tennessee, USA11 years ago

Is this a captive snake? It looks like a California Kingsnake and you are in TN. Thanks!

Cameron Young-CSC Snake Canebrake Rattlesnake
Canebrake Rattlesnake commented on by Cameron Young-CSC Snake Florida, USA11 years ago

Yeah..the "canebrake" comes from a plant (Rivercane - Arundinaria gigantea) that this species is often associated with in the southeast. This plant grows in dense clumps known as canebrakes and hides lots of rattlesnakes. :)

Cameron Young-CSC Snake Laotian Wolf Snake
Laotian Wolf Snake commented on by Cameron Young-CSC Snake Cambodia11 years ago


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