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"Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still." - Dorothea Lange


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Malcolm Wilton-Jones Carolina Meik Meißner Atul
flowntheloop Rab_0225 J.Qvdo Ava T-B
CoralAvery White-lined Sphinx (female)
White-lined Sphinx (female) commented on by CoralAvery San Diego, California, USA10 years ago

Thank you, and thanks Karen for sharing on Facebook! These moths are very cool. :)

CoralAvery Blue Dasher
Blue Dasher commented on by CoralAvery San Diego, California, USA10 years ago

I changed it to Blue Dasher and I agree. It seemed to have the body of a pondhawk and face of a dasher, but wikipedia says it has pruinosity so the coloration looks frosted and the thoracic stripes are hidden. It reflects ultraviolet and is most common with male skimmers. I guess I learned something new today. Thanks for identifying it (:

CoralAvery Blue Dasher
Blue Dasher commented on by CoralAvery San Diego, California, USA10 years ago

This page says they are found throughout the continental US as well as in the Pacific Northwest so I suppose Blue Dashers can be found in California.

But I believe what I found is a western pond hawk since it does not have thoracic stripes and I'm sure it's not an eastern pondhawk based on the differences in abdomen and appendage shape.

CoralAvery Jumping Spider
Jumping Spider commented on by CoralAvery San Diego, California, USA10 years ago

Love the last photo. The chelicera are a beautiful color too :)

CoralAvery Mussel
Mussel commented on by CoralAvery Hoonah, Alaska, USA10 years ago

Thank you both so much! I can't believe my mom and I made up half of all the photos Jewel chose. I'm glad to support her project, I'm in a similar club at my school that's on a much smaller scale so this is a huge honor!!

CoralAvery Himalayan Blue Poppy
Himalayan Blue Poppy commented on by CoralAvery Alaska, USA10 years ago

Thank you stho002. Yes, it looks like a blue poppy, most likely Meconopsis like you suggested:

CoralAvery Columbine
Columbine commented on by CoralAvery Alaska, USA10 years ago

Thank you! That's what I was thinking also. Now it's just a matter of pin pointing exactly what kind. (:

CoralAvery Meerkat
Meerkat commented on by CoralAvery San Diego, California, USA11 years ago

Thank you Ashish. I added 1 more photo that I got when I returned, yet again, to the park. (:

CoralAvery White-faced Whistling Duck
White-faced Whistling Duck commented on by CoralAvery San Diego, California, USA11 years ago

Thanks paige.hembling. And thank you for the ID Stian Waaler :)

CoralAvery California Banana Slug
California Banana Slug commented on by CoralAvery San Mateo, California, USA11 years ago

Actually it was hanging out near the bathrooms right before we headed out on the trail. It was on the outside wall in a partially damp area. I also found one around Portland on a hiking trail in a very wet area by some rocks and ferns. Hope you can find one too! :)

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