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Courtney Fisher

Courtney Fisher

Going to school to follow a dream of mine, to become a wildlife biologist! I just love learning more about the world around us!

Marana, Az

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Gerardo Aizpuru GeoffreyPalmer LuisStevens HetaJayeshkumarPanchal
Bernadette S rutasandinas luvnature ArmanPace
Courtney Fisher Saguaro fruit
Saguaro fruit commented on by Courtney Fisher Tucson, Arizona, USA11 years ago

As far as I've seen, saguaro fruits aren't sold commercially like prickly pear fruits are. They could probably be found for sale on a Native American Reservation though. I have tried them once and have had various products made out of them. They are very much like prickly pears, a sweet soft flesh with many tiny seeds on the inside. Since the saguaro is endangered, it isn't legal to harvest the fruit of saguaros that are on public property.

And I agree with you, I love learning more about the saguaro! It seems like the Sonoran Desert is full of amazing plants!

Courtney Fisher Northern Cardinal (Fledgeling)
Northern Cardinal (Fledgeling) commented on by Courtney Fisher Tucson, Arizona, USA11 years ago

Beautiful spotting!

Courtney Fisher Saguaro fruit
Saguaro fruit commented on by Courtney Fisher Tucson, Arizona, USA11 years ago

Bernadette- People do snack on this fruit! The native people have used the Saguaro fruit as a main source of nutrition for many years. To this day, it is used in various ways!

Courtney Fisher Saguaro cactus
Saguaro cactus commented on by Courtney Fisher Arizona, USA12 years ago

I love that you took photos of the saguaro when its past its prime! You should really add it to this mission:

Courtney Fisher Hedgehog Cactus
Hedgehog Cactus commented on by Courtney Fisher Arizona, USA12 years ago

This is a beautiful photograph! You should add it to this mission:

Courtney Fisher Fishhook Barrel Cactus
Fishhook Barrel Cactus commented on by Courtney Fisher Arizona, USA12 years ago

Beautiful cactus! You should add it to this mission:

Courtney Fisher Saguaro
Saguaro commented on by Courtney Fisher Tucson, Arizona, USA12 years ago

Changed it to focus on the saguaros prominent in this photograph. Hope it's okay now, thank you!

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