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Cyprus Lady

Cyprus Lady

I am a Brit living in Cyprus. I have recently taken up photography because the wildlife around me is too stunning not to!

Limassol, Cyprus

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behemoth.williams3 injica


Cyprus Lady Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Cyprus Lady Limassol, Cyprus11 years ago

Hi Daniel - i can't remember now but it certainly likes shade and low nutrient soil!

Cyprus Lady Myopa sp.
Myopa sp. commented on by Cyprus Lady Limassol, Cyprus11 years ago

Thanks Manval!

Cyprus Lady Nosed Grasshopper
Nosed Grasshopper commented on by Cyprus Lady Cyprus11 years ago

Thanks Leuba. I've seen this insect a couple of times, in green too. nice to know what it is!

Cyprus Lady Processionary Caterpillars
Processionary Caterpillars commented on by Cyprus Lady Limassol, Cyprus11 years ago

Yeah my friend had a nest load fall on him! He had a terrible reaction - blisters galore!

Cyprus Lady Scops Owl
Scops Owl commented on by Cyprus Lady Limassol, Cyprus11 years ago

Thanks Smith Zoo!

Cyprus Lady Thistle mantis
Thistle mantis commented on by Cyprus Lady Limassol, Cyprus11 years ago

Thanks Argy Bee. I had just finished researching it and had found that it was a Thistle Mantis and was trying to work out how to change the ID

Cyprus Lady Myopa sp.
Myopa sp. commented on by Cyprus Lady Limassol, Cyprus11 years ago

Thanks Viv!

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