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Diogo César

Diogo César

Chemistry teacher, amateur photographer.


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NuwanChathuranga Sergio Monteiro SanabriaCamilo Maria dB
maplemoth662 flowntheloop The MnMs Sushil Thomas David
Diogo César Horned sungem
Horned sungem commented on by Diogo César DF, Brazil9 years ago

Thank you, Maria db. Glad to share.

Diogo César Black-tufted marmoset
Black-tufted marmoset commented on by Diogo César MG, Brazil9 years ago

Thank you, Desmond.E.S.O, for your confirmation.

Diogo César Calosoma (Castrida) retusum
Calosoma (Castrida) retusum commented on by Diogo César MG, Brazil9 years ago

Thank you, bayuka. The two species are very similar anatomically. The occurrence area of both seems to overlap in the Southeast, where the record was made. How do I differentiate the two? Thank you.

Diogo César Starry Night Cracker
Starry Night Cracker commented on by Diogo César MG, Brazil9 years ago

Thank you, SukanyaDatta.

Diogo César Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Diogo César MG, Brazil9 years ago

Olá, Sérgio! Muito bom te encontrar também. Admiro muito suas fotos! Irei fazer isso sim. Abraços e obrigado pelas dicas!

Diogo César Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Diogo César MG, Brazil9 years ago

Thank you, MayraSpringmann.

Diogo César Moth caterpillar
Moth caterpillar commented on by Diogo César MG, Brazil9 years ago

Muito obrigado, AntónioGinjaGinja. Espero poder contribuir com meus registros e aprender muito com os membros! Vistarei sim os sites.

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