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MichaelS Trajon Rithmini Weerakkody mm3281323
EmilieChich grey pansy
grey pansy commented on by EmilieChich Tambon Chiang Dao, Chang Wat Chiang Mai, Thailand2 years ago

You are right, Rithmini. It is better known as grey pansy. I checked this out and found that the name common pansy is only sometimes used for the grey pansy and more often for the lemon pansy. In both cases I think it is better not to use the name common pansy at all, as this is confusing. So I changed this in my spotting. Thank you for your remark.

EmilieChich Blackbrush
Blackbrush commented on by EmilieChich Page, Arizona, United States3 years ago

Thank you very much, Anh Tuan.

EmilieChich Planthopper
Planthopper commented on by EmilieChich Sibulan, Central Visayas, Philippines3 years ago

Looks more like a small fly to me....

EmilieChich Dicksissel
Dicksissel commented on by EmilieChich Oklahoma, USA4 years ago

Dickcissel = Spiza americana. Fam. Cardinalidae.

EmilieChich mushroom
mushroom commented on by EmilieChich Noord-Brabant, Netherlands4 years ago

The "morsecode" at the rim indicates that it might be a member of the Strophariaceae family, maybe Hypholoma sp., but unfortunately, I do not know any species that large (20 cm !). A photo of the gills and the upper part of the stem might help.

EmilieChich Spotting
Spotting commented on by EmilieChich Amazonas, Brazil4 years ago

Interesting find!

EmilieChich Junonia
Junonia commented on by EmilieChich Linhares, Espírito Santo, Brazil4 years ago

Probably Junonia evarete. See

EmilieChich Juvenile Wonderpus
Juvenile Wonderpus commented on by EmilieChich Batangas, Philippines5 years ago

Your photos are always marvelous, Albert. Thank you for sharing.

EmilieChich Painted Reed Frog
Painted Reed Frog commented on by EmilieChich Lubombo, Swaziland5 years ago

Hyperolius marmoratus taeniatus.

EmilieChich Stacy's Bachia
Stacy's Bachia commented on by EmilieChich Morona Santiago, Ecuador5 years ago

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

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