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Nature ( close up ) photography ; special focus on insects ( solitary bees !!) or amphibians ( caecilians, salamanders and newts).


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pamsai NuwanChathuranga
Ornithoptera80 MrityunjoyChandra Mark51 Archer 07
HenkWallays Mallotus shield bug
Mallotus shield bug commented on by HenkWallays මධ්‍යම පළාත, Sri Lanka9 years ago

How colorfull !

HenkWallays Epeoloides coecutiens
Epeoloides coecutiens commented on by HenkWallays Vlaanderen, Belgium9 years ago

Thnaks for all the fine comments. It is indeed a rather rare bee, although it is very easy to recognize only 58 specimens have been observed in the last 15 years for Belgium, form which I've been able to detect 17 in my region only.

HenkWallays Scleroderma citrinum
Scleroderma citrinum commented on by HenkWallays Vlaanderen, Belgium9 years ago

Sorry didn't notice the correction. just changed it.
Aparently in my photo archives it was stored as Scleroderma citrinum, so I must have done something wrong during upload or so ...
Thanks for the (appreciated) correction !

HenkWallays Eupteryx aurata
Eupteryx aurata commented on by HenkWallays Vlaanderen, Belgium9 years ago

Well you can always have a go at my website where you can select and search... ;-)

Be cautious though, could become an addiction ;-)

HenkWallays Accipiter nisus
Accipiter nisus commented on by HenkWallays Vlaanderen, Belgium9 years ago

Thanks for the appreciations ... ;-)

HenkWallays Eupteryx aurata
Eupteryx aurata commented on by HenkWallays Vlaanderen, Belgium9 years ago

Thanks for the fine comments Jes... a new season is close to emerge and I got my camera ready ;-)

HenkWallays Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by HenkWallays Milano, LOM, Italy9 years ago

It's a Neuroptera species, possybly a Chrysoperla species

HenkWallays Jewel bug wing display
Jewel bug wing display commented on by HenkWallays Victoria, Australia9 years ago

I see the white in the eyes there , indeed. So far I do not use a flash (did so before) but with the camera's noise levels being that far better I actually try to work without and go higher into the ISO settings... sometimes having to de-noise the shot but it offers me more 'natural colors' . Heavy sunweather however is another disaster ;-) . Coudl a diffuser help you out (alhough on a ringflash .. I've not seen any myself )

HenkWallays Jewel bug wing display
Jewel bug wing display commented on by HenkWallays Victoria, Australia9 years ago

It's quite a colorfull bug and possibly not all that easy to photograph when sunny (reflection)

HenkWallays Stenodema calcarata
Stenodema calcarata commented on by HenkWallays Vlaanderen, Belgium9 years ago

Indeed they are not all that big and quite reactive. It actually flew away 2 times before I could make the shot ;-)

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