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Aspiring ecologist. Currently working as an intern at Archbold Biological Station.

South Florida and North Carolina

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Liam NeilDazet Jonathan Sequeira MitchRay
GeoffreyPalmer jaxtopacio suzybousa BrendanSmith
JasonO'Connor Red Salamander
Red Salamander commented on by JasonO'Connor North Carolina, USA11 years ago

Eastern Newt (Notophthalmus viridescens) - red eft stage, for sure

JasonO'Connor Southern Toad
Southern Toad commented on by JasonO'Connor North Carolina, USA12 years ago


JasonO'Connor White-tailed deer
White-tailed deer commented on by JasonO'Connor North Carolina, USA12 years ago

It was along a trail at Pettigrew State park in eastern NC, I spooked the mother as I was walking but this little guy ran right up to me checked me out for a second then ran off to catch up with his mom

JasonO'Connor Green treefrog
Green treefrog commented on by JasonO'Connor North Carolina, USA12 years ago

thanks!, yeah they suck all the air into their lungs and then force it into the air sac under their chin to create the call

JasonO'Connor Gopher tortoise
Gopher tortoise commented on by JasonO'Connor Georgia, USA12 years ago

Gopher tortoise, (Gopherus polyphemus)

JasonO'Connor Eastern Glass Lizard
Eastern Glass Lizard commented on by JasonO'Connor North Carolina, USA12 years ago

thanks! yea I love these guys, don't see them very often

JasonO'Connor Copperhead
Copperhead commented on by JasonO'Connor North Carolina, USA12 years ago

yea, the colors on this guy are awesome!

JasonO'Connor 5-lined Skink
5-lined Skink commented on by JasonO'Connor Norfolk, Virginia, USA12 years ago

Probably a five lined skink (Eumeces faciatus) Possibly a southeastern five lined skink (Eumeces inexpectatus).

Need to have a look at the underside of the tail to be sure.

JasonO'Connor Black Racer
Black Racer commented on by JasonO'Connor North Carolina, USA12 years ago

Yea this guy is pretty typical for racers around here. I hadn't noticed before, but looking back on some of my pics from Florida, they do seem to have a lot more white on their chin. Pretty neat.

JasonO'Connor Great Basin Rattlesnake Baby
Great Basin Rattlesnake Baby commented on by JasonO'Connor Sacramento, California, USA12 years ago

Based on the body shape and posture I'd also vote rattlesnake. Not sure exactly which species, but probably Crotalus viridis

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