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Jatishwor Singh Irungbam

Jatishwor Singh Irungbam

Nature lover, Lepidoptera research w.r.t. diversity and conservation.

Czech Republic

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UnckieBob Ashish DanielePralong Atul
Saturniidae27 JordanMondalmi Rithmini Weerakkody Ornithoptera80
Jatishwor Singh Irungbam Moth
Moth commented on by Jatishwor Singh Irungbam Alawwa, Sri Lanka10 years ago


Altha (Altha) sp. near A. nivea

Jatishwor Singh Irungbam Noctuidae
Noctuidae commented on by Jatishwor Singh Irungbam Bhutan10 years ago

Thanks guys for your lovely comments. Also thanks to the moderators for picking up my spotting as SOTD.

Jatishwor Singh Irungbam Geometridae
Geometridae commented on by Jatishwor Singh Irungbam Bhutan10 years ago

Eilicrinia flava (Moore, 1888), Geometridae

Jatishwor Singh Irungbam Nolid Moth
Nolid Moth commented on by Jatishwor Singh Irungbam Gangtok, Sikkim, India10 years ago

Forewing markings are variable even in same sp. need genitalia dissection for the confirmation of species.

Jatishwor Singh Irungbam Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Jatishwor Singh Irungbam Gangtok, Sikkim, India10 years ago

Geometridae, Geometrinae

Jatishwor Singh Irungbam Erebidae
Erebidae commented on by Jatishwor Singh Irungbam Bhutan10 years ago

Perina basalis

Jatishwor Singh Irungbam Cabbage White
Cabbage White commented on by Jatishwor Singh Irungbam Iowa, USA10 years ago

Looks like Chrysalis of Apatura sordida (Family; Nymphalidae)

Jatishwor Singh Irungbam Noctuidae
Noctuidae commented on by Jatishwor Singh Irungbam Bhutan10 years ago

Lymantria {Porthetria) bivittata bivittata MOORE, 1879

Jatishwor Singh Irungbam Drepanidae
Drepanidae commented on by Jatishwor Singh Irungbam Bhutan10 years ago

Drepana perhamata female

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