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Mariposa, California, USA

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LuisStevens KathleenMcEachern MaxLewis Ava T-B
HemaShah Augusto Patiño Ramirez MaxLewis AprilPerry
LauraPound Parrot feather
Parrot feather commented on by LauraPound Suwanee, Georgia, USA11 years ago

You're welcome Dianne. I used to grow this when I had a pond. :)

LauraPound Ghost crab
Ghost crab commented on by LauraPound Senegal11 years ago

You're welcome Noah Citizen. :)

LauraPound Lirio Africano
Lirio Africano commented on by LauraPound Ñuñoa, XIII Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile11 years ago

You're welcome Braulio. :)

LauraPound California Sister Butterfly
California Sister Butterfly commented on by LauraPound California, USA11 years ago

Thank you injica. :)

LauraPound Hoffman's Checkerspot
Hoffman's Checkerspot commented on by LauraPound California, USA11 years ago

Thank you Argy and Megan. :)

LauraPound Hoffman's Checkerspot
Hoffman's Checkerspot commented on by LauraPound California, USA11 years ago

Thank you Lily. :)

LauraPound Silvery Blue Butterfly
Silvery Blue Butterfly commented on by LauraPound California, USA11 years ago

Thank you Lily and Emily! I was very lucky, since these little ones hardly ever sit still, and rarely open their wings. They are constantly on the move, at least when there is someone around with a camera, stalking them. :P

LauraPound Cape Clawless Otter
Cape Clawless Otter commented on by LauraPound George Local Municipality, Western Cape, South Africa11 years ago

What an adorable face. :)

LauraPound Spittle bug foam( Frog Hopper nymphs)
Spittle bug foam( Frog Hopper nymphs) commented on by LauraPound California, USA11 years ago

Oh I was mostly just glad to disabuse her of the idea that there was a vandal in the neighborhood who would do something like that. She was so relieved. :P

LauraPound Spittle bug foam( Frog Hopper nymphs)
Spittle bug foam( Frog Hopper nymphs) commented on by LauraPound California, USA11 years ago

I knew a lady once who thought someone had jumped over her fence in the night and spat all over her garden. I told her about spittle bugs. She had no idea!

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