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I'm not a scientist, but always had a passion for the natural world. Looking forward to sharing this hobby with like-minded individuals.

Miami-Dade County, FL

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LivanEscudero Keeled Treehopper
Keeled Treehopper commented on by LivanEscudero Crystal River, Florida, USA10 years ago

I can see in that there are a few pictures of this Genus where the nymphs are being attended by ants. I would imagine that there is a similar relationship as to that of ants and aphids or scales, were the nymphs produce some kind of sugary residue as they suck plant juices which the ants like.

LivanEscudero Spotting
Spotting commented on by LivanEscudero Crystal River, Florida, USA10 years ago

Hmmm, are we sure this is organic? To be honest first thing it reminded me of was some old construction type spray foam that was scraped off revealing the air bubbles in it. Also am I right that it is on a cement or concrete wall?

LivanEscudero Common Buckeye
Common Buckeye commented on by LivanEscudero Crystal River, Florida, USA10 years ago

I would say Common ( J. coenia).

LivanEscudero Scoliid Wasp
Scoliid Wasp commented on by LivanEscudero Florida, USA10 years ago

That's a female. Take a look here also:
On something a bit off topic,
The article states, "There are nine Nearctic species of Campsomeris, of which four occur in Florida." And then goes on to show the four. Maybe it means 4 native. Campsomeris dorsata (not mentioned) from the Caribbean seems to be established in South Florida now.

LivanEscudero Stilt-legged Fly
Stilt-legged Fly commented on by LivanEscudero Winter Springs, Florida, USA10 years ago

I went with the above suggestion based just on visual comparison with photos on bugguide, but note there is the other species at the bottom of the ID page that is very similar.

LivanEscudero Root-Maggot Fly
Root-Maggot Fly commented on by LivanEscudero Virginia, USA10 years ago

I think, because of the large eyes that meet in the middle and the skinny abdomen, this is a male.

LivanEscudero Wolf Snail
Wolf Snail commented on by LivanEscudero Florida, USA10 years ago

Ambersnail of some sort, I think it's the Saltmarsh one S. paralia. See it and other Succinea sp. here

LivanEscudero Arrowshaped Micrathena
Arrowshaped Micrathena commented on by LivanEscudero Winter Springs, Florida, USA10 years ago

Very cool spotting. Never seen one.

LivanEscudero Golden Silk Orbweaver
Golden Silk Orbweaver commented on by LivanEscudero Winter Springs, Florida, USA10 years ago

Yes, I think you are right about the small one being the male, like the one on the last picture here:

LivanEscudero Brown Anole
Brown Anole commented on by LivanEscudero Florida, USA10 years ago

I would think most certainly an anole, a brown one, I believe.

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