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Lukas Ferrenburg

Lukas Ferrenburg

Nature lover, travel lover, adventure lover. I study marine biology at the University of Oregon.

Eugene, Oregon

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Aisse Gaertner Ismael Chaves Harsha Singh KarenSaxton
Ismael Chaves jaxtopacio yahyams Ava T-B
Lukas Ferrenburg Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Lukas Ferrenburg Oregon, USA11 years ago

It appears to be the same species. Thank you!

Lukas Ferrenburg Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Lukas Ferrenburg Oregon, USA11 years ago

Thank you, do you know what species this is?

Lukas Ferrenburg California quail (male)
California quail (male) commented on by Lukas Ferrenburg Oregon, USA11 years ago

Thank you António!

Lukas Ferrenburg Witch's butter
Witch's butter commented on by Lukas Ferrenburg Oregon, USA11 years ago

Thank you for the ID help!

Lukas Ferrenburg Humpback whale
Humpback whale commented on by Lukas Ferrenburg Mexico11 years ago

Wow this is incredible! Congrats!

Lukas Ferrenburg White-winged Crossbill
White-winged Crossbill commented on by Lukas Ferrenburg Calgary, Alberta, Canada11 years ago

Great series!

Lukas Ferrenburg Indian Flying Fox
Indian Flying Fox commented on by Lukas Ferrenburg Andhra Pradesh, India11 years ago

Congrats on the SOTD!

Lukas Ferrenburg Rough-legged Hawk
Rough-legged Hawk commented on by Lukas Ferrenburg Brighton, Colorado, USA11 years ago

Great series Emily!

Lukas Ferrenburg Yellow-rumped warbler
Yellow-rumped warbler commented on by Lukas Ferrenburg Oregon, USA11 years ago

Thanks Susan!

Lukas Ferrenburg American pipit
American pipit commented on by Lukas Ferrenburg Oregon, USA11 years ago

Thank you, kind of a drab looking bird but still a lot of fun to photograph.

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