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Max Brodie

Max Brodie

UC Riverside graduate and aspiring botanist, naturalist, and photographer.

Oakland, CA

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CoralAvery CindyBinghamKeiser CynthiaMHori HemaShah
ShastaCountyNature TerryBerry KarenP mm3281323
Max Brodie Spanish Broom
Spanish Broom commented on by Max Brodie San Bernardino, California, USA10 years ago

This is actually an invasive plant called Spanish Broom (Spartium junceum) that is common in the mountains of southern California.

Max Brodie Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Max Brodie San Diego, California, USA10 years ago

Cool spotting! However, since this is not a plant (let alone a toxic or medicinal one) please consider removing it from the Toxic and Medicinal Plants mission :)

Max Brodie Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Max Brodie L.A., California, USA11 years ago

This plant is called sacred datura (Datura wrightii). Check out my spotting and the wiki link to verify:

Max Brodie Tamarisk (Salt Cedar)
Tamarisk (Salt Cedar) commented on by Max Brodie San Diego, California, USA11 years ago

The plant you spotted is not a species of Tamarix: I'm not sure what it is, but I know with certainty that it is not salt cedar.

Max Brodie Sherbet ice plant.
Sherbet ice plant. commented on by Max Brodie San Diego, California, USA11 years ago

Since this plant has no flowers or fruit, could you please remove it from the Flowering Cacti and Succulents mission?

Max Brodie Echeveria Elegan
Echeveria Elegan commented on by Max Brodie Sacramento, California, USA11 years ago

Since this echeveria isn't flowering/fruiting, could you please remove it from the Flowering Cacti and Succulents mission?

Max Brodie Beavertail Cactus
Beavertail Cactus commented on by Max Brodie California, USA11 years ago

Please consider adding this spotting to the Flowering Cacti and Succulents mission (, its a great shot of the fruit just after the flowers have withered.

Max Brodie Earth Star
Earth Star commented on by Max Brodie Ventura, California, USA11 years ago

Wow, really intriguing form! TerryBerry, since this is a fungi and not a plant, could you please remove it from the Toxic and Medicinal Plants mission?

Max Brodie Orchid Rockrose
Orchid Rockrose commented on by Max Brodie Irvine, California, USA11 years ago

These beautiful flowers are one of my personal favorites. They are from a hybrid species of Rock Rose (Cistus x purpureus).

Max Brodie Tobacco Tree
Tobacco Tree commented on by Max Brodie Irvine, California, USA11 years ago

This is a small Tobacco Tree (Nicotiana glauca) seedling. It is an invasive species in Southern California, originally from South America.

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