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MediyansyahTaharani Carpenter Bees
Carpenter Bees commented on by MediyansyahTaharani Pati, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia12 years ago

Thank you: CindyBinghamKeiser, keithp2012, alicelongmartin, texless and RandiBrown.. :))

MediyansyahTaharani Lynx spider
Lynx spider commented on by MediyansyahTaharani Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia12 years ago

thank SumukhaJavagal, thank hunXingWong.

MediyansyahTaharani Click beetle
Click beetle commented on by MediyansyahTaharani Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia12 years ago

thanks Juan & Iori.. I found this bug on the front of my house this morning .. is it active at night?

MediyansyahTaharani evening brown
evening brown commented on by MediyansyahTaharani Papua, Indonesia13 years ago

looks like Melanitis phedima (Dark Evening Brown) Nymphalidae Satyrinae.

MediyansyahTaharani Moth
Moth commented on by MediyansyahTaharani Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia13 years ago

lucky me, this species usually found in a perched position that i could not see its face. Thanks :)

MediyansyahTaharani Green milkweed locust nymph
Green milkweed locust nymph commented on by MediyansyahTaharani Faro, Portugal13 years ago

Migratory locust (Locusta migratoria)

MediyansyahTaharani Gray Pansy Butterfly
Gray Pansy Butterfly commented on by MediyansyahTaharani Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia13 years ago

Ashish, i've reduced brightness of first picture.. I think this is the best result :D

MediyansyahTaharani Green Skimmer dragonfly
Green Skimmer dragonfly commented on by MediyansyahTaharani Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia13 years ago

thanks Emma & dangermouse.., imagine how I was crawling on the ground to try to approach it as closely as possible. :))

MediyansyahTaharani Marsh_Fly
Marsh_Fly commented on by MediyansyahTaharani Jawa Tengah, Indonesia13 years ago


MediyansyahTaharani Soldier Fly
Soldier Fly commented on by MediyansyahTaharani Tennessee, USA13 years ago

Stratiomyidae - Soldier Fly

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