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FL Master Naturalist. Environmental educator. Nature girl. Always learning and happy to help. Photos taken in the field with my iPhone.

Sarasota, FL

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Dan Doucette florida33girl ceherzog HeatherMiller
Jae Machi MariaCara Sphingid_Matt
MishaCainNell Eastern Lubber Grasshopper
Eastern Lubber Grasshopper suggestion by MishaCainNell Tampa, Florida, USA12 years ago

Common name: Eastern Lubber Grasshopper
Scientific name: Romalea guttata

MishaCainNell Brazilian Pepper Tree
Brazilian Pepper Tree suggestion by MishaCainNell Florida, USA12 years ago

Common name: Brazilian Pepper Tree
Scientific name: Schinus terebinthifolius

MishaCainNell Gulf Fritillary
Gulf Fritillary suggestion by MishaCainNell Florida, USA12 years ago

Common name: Gulf Fritillary
Scientific name: Agraulis vanillae
Wikipedia: Gulf Fritillary

MishaCainNell Double-Crested Cormorant
Double-Crested Cormorant suggestion by MishaCainNell St. Louis, Missouri, USA12 years ago

Common name: Double-Crested Cormorant
Scientific name: Phalacrocorax auritus

MishaCainNell Mangrove Tree Crab
Mangrove Tree Crab suggestion by MishaCainNell Bradenton, Florida, USA12 years ago

Common name: Mangrove Tree Crab
Scientific name: Aratus pisonii

MishaCainNell Ground Cherry
Ground Cherry suggestion by MishaCainNell Palm Coast, Florida, USA12 years ago

Common name: Ground Cherry
Scientific name: Physalis sp.

MishaCainNell Spicebush Swallowtail
Spicebush Swallowtail suggestion by MishaCainNell Florida, USA12 years ago

Common name: Spicebush Swallowtail
Scientific name: Papilio troilus

MishaCainNell Unnamed spotting
Unnamed spotting suggestion by MishaCainNell California, USA12 years ago

Common name: Western Bluebird
Scientific name: Sialia mexicana

MishaCainNell Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by MishaCainNell Indonesia12 years ago

Common name: Matchstick bromeliad
Scientific name: Aechmea gamosepala
Wikipedia: Aechmea gamosepala

MishaCainNell Sea hare
Sea hare suggestion by MishaCainNell Florida, USA12 years ago

Common name: Mottled Sea Hare
Scientific name: Aplysia brasiliana
Wikipedia: Aplysia

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