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Nimbid Ditavi

Nimbid Ditavi

I'm a Biology student, wildlife photographer, taxidermist and writer with a deep passion for the universe and all of its contents!


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alicelongmartin William_Dembowski Japh Dan Doucette
maplemoth662 nimbitavi Brian38 Giovani
Nimbid Ditavi Páramo Pollen Beetle
Páramo Pollen Beetle commented on by Nimbid Ditavi Santa Fé, Bogotá, Colombia7 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion! I'll be on the lookout for them, but when they are out, the adults are not, they alternate in presence, I'll have to wait,

Nimbid Ditavi Stinkbug Nymphs
Stinkbug Nymphs commented on by Nimbid Ditavi Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia7 years ago

Thanks! I'm happy people enjoy this!

Nimbid Ditavi Highland Motmot
Highland Motmot commented on by Nimbid Ditavi Quindío, Colombia7 years ago

Updated Info!

Nimbid Ditavi Burnished-buff Tanager
Burnished-buff Tanager commented on by Nimbid Ditavi Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia7 years ago

Updated Info!

Nimbid Ditavi Crayfish
Crayfish commented on by Nimbid Ditavi Oklahoma, USA7 years ago

Nice pics! :D

Nimbid Ditavi Common Tody-flycatcher
Common Tody-flycatcher commented on by Nimbid Ditavi Quindío, Colombia7 years ago

Thanks a lot!, very useful, I'm perplexed by the fact that neither that link nor Wikipedia mentions their nest-weaving behavior, seems to me like a characteristic you'd give more spotlight to. Thanks for the interest!

Nimbid Ditavi Gallinule, Spot-flanked
Gallinule, Spot-flanked commented on by Nimbid Ditavi Cundinamarca, Colombia8 years ago

You're right! Thank you!

Nimbid Ditavi Speckled chachalaca
Speckled chachalaca commented on by Nimbid Ditavi Lat: 4.24 Lon: -73.538 years ago

Thank you Ashley! I'll do my best!

Nimbid Ditavi Speckled chachalaca
Speckled chachalaca commented on by Nimbid Ditavi Lat: 4.24 Lon: -73.538 years ago

Oh, I didn't know that! Thanks!

Nimbid Ditavi Rufous-collared Sparrow
Rufous-collared Sparrow commented on by Nimbid Ditavi Lat: 4.93 Lon: -73.838 years ago

Thanks Ashley!

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