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Noe and Pili

Noe and Pili

Noe: Biologist (bioinformatician) Pili: Psicologist. We love bird watching and diving.

Ithaca, NY

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jamerbean Malcolm Wilton-Jones shebebusynow Ning
outsidegirl0 PunkusArnett Giovani Dan Doucette
Noe and Pili Flamboyant cuttlefish
Flamboyant cuttlefish commented on by Noe and Pili Dumaguete, Siquijor, Philippines11 years ago


Noe and Pili Violescent sea-whip, Gorgonia
Violescent sea-whip, Gorgonia commented on by Noe and Pili Almuñécar, Andalucía, Spain11 years ago

Me alegro de que te gusten las fotos.
Tenemos muchas nocturnas, así que las agregaremos a tu misión :)

Noe and Pili Long-eared Owl
Long-eared Owl commented on by Noe and Pili Horicon, Wisconsin, USA11 years ago


Noe and Pili Eastern Wood Pewee
Eastern Wood Pewee commented on by Noe and Pili New York, USA11 years ago

Thanks Liam for the ID :)

Noe and Pili Lagarto ocelado
Lagarto ocelado commented on by Noe and Pili Cantalejo, Castilla y León, Spain11 years ago

No tengo más remedio que repetir lo que ha comentado arlanda : Impresionante!

Noe and Pili White-throated Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow commented on by Noe and Pili Georgia, USA11 years ago

Beautiful! I love the third one

Noe and Pili Pear-shaped Puffball
Pear-shaped Puffball commented on by Noe and Pili New York, USA11 years ago

Thanks Tiffany for the ID

Noe and Pili Prickly lettuce, Lechuga silvestre
Prickly lettuce, Lechuga silvestre commented on by Noe and Pili O Saviñao, Galicia, Spain11 years ago

Congrats on your SOTD!
Preciosa foto :)

Noe and Pili Fern
Fern commented on by Noe and Pili New York, USA11 years ago

Kunzah, it is the species Aaron has suggested, a Red-spotted newt
It surprised me while I was uploading this spotting... We saw a few of them that day.

Noe and Pili Southern Masked-Weaver
Southern Masked-Weaver commented on by Noe and Pili Namibia11 years ago


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