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Just a rare youth in modern times interested in the world around her and willing to explore, learn, and get a little dirty at times.


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DanielePralong misako Frank Weaver florida33girl
rutasandinas Frank Weaver DanielePralong JoanaSantos95
Psilo J-c Lizard ready to run
J-c Lizard ready to run commented on by Psilo Heredia, Costa Rica12 years ago

I love how you titled this J-C lizard ready to run :D

Psilo Mottled cup moth
Mottled cup moth commented on by Psilo Victoria, Australia12 years ago

Amazing! Great picture. Learned something from your post! :3

Psilo White-marked Tussock Moth
White-marked Tussock Moth commented on by Psilo Temple Terrace, Florida, USA12 years ago

"The larvae are brightly coloured, with tufts of hair-like setae. The head is bright red, the body has yellow or white stripes, with a black stripe along the middle of the back. There are bright red defensive glands on the hind end of the back. Four white toothbrush-like tufts stand out from the back, and there is a grey-brown hair pencil at the hind end." The pictures on the website do not match your specimen exactly, but there are varieties of them as stated in the quote above. Your's has orange stripes, the black stripe down the middle of the back, the four white tufts, and the hair pencils at the end. :) beautiful creature

Psilo Black Swallowtail Larva
Black Swallowtail Larva commented on by Psilo Jacksonville, Florida, USA12 years ago

I appreciate it!

Psilo Luna Moth
Luna Moth commented on by Psilo Live Oak, Florida, USA12 years ago

Thank you!

Psilo Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Psilo Portugal12 years ago

check out the Common Wood Sorrell, scientifically Oxalis acetosella.

Psilo Turkey Tail
Turkey Tail commented on by Psilo Jacksonville, Florida, USA12 years ago

Absolutely! I'm learning as I go!

Psilo Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (male)
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (male) commented on by Psilo Jacksonville, Florida, USA12 years ago

Right, I just had an old field guide that refered to it as yellow swallowtail, I suppose the other is more modern and relevant. I changed it though, Thanks!

Psilo Prickly Pear
Prickly Pear commented on by Psilo Puerto Vallarta, Mexico12 years ago
prickly pear! :D

Psilo Creeping Fig
Creeping Fig commented on by Psilo Jacksonville, Florida, USA12 years ago

!! So I discovered it's identity, with your help of course! It's a ficus pumila. Also known as the climbing fig. If you had not helped me get started I may have never figured it out. So, thank you! Very much appreciate it!

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