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Shawn B. Mitsu

Shawn B. Mitsu

Trinidad and Tobago

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Shawn B. Mitsu Many-coloured Fruit Dove
Many-coloured Fruit Dove commented on by Shawn B. Mitsu Nadi, Fiji8 years ago

A beauty!

Shawn B. Mitsu Torch lily or torch ginger
Torch lily or torch ginger commented on by Shawn B. Mitsu Trinidad and Tobago8 years ago

All photos are taken by me

Shawn B. Mitsu Savannah Flower
Savannah Flower commented on by Shawn B. Mitsu Trinidad and Tobago8 years ago

Saw this in Aripo Savannah. Believe it is also locally known as the bread and cheese flower. It's petals taste a lot like a pommerac

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