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Shilo Vinograd

Shilo Vinograd

Naturalist by blood

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sttweets Noe and Pili DanielePralong Carolina
Giovani injica Yaniv and Sarit Wainer maplemoth662
Shilo Vinograd Red-Winged Blackbird
Red-Winged Blackbird commented on by Shilo Vinograd Ottawa, Ontario, Canada11 years ago

what made you think that?

Shilo Vinograd Wild bee
Wild bee commented on by Shilo Vinograd אזור יהודה והשומרון11 years ago

what's a few miles to the east..?

Shilo Vinograd Eyed Skink
Eyed Skink commented on by Shilo Vinograd מועצה אזורית חבל אילות, מחוז הדרום, Israel11 years ago

Cheers for the ID!! :)

Shilo Vinograd European Stonechat (immature male)
European Stonechat (immature male) commented on by Shilo Vinograd Aqaba, Jordan12 years ago

Liam, thank you for the ID!!

Shilo Vinograd Mexican Shrimp Plant
Mexican Shrimp Plant commented on by Shilo Vinograd Palestine12 years ago

definitely a flower.. :)

Shilo Vinograd Sand Wasp
Sand Wasp commented on by Shilo Vinograd Ottawa, Canada12 years ago

indeed a Sand Wasp..
thanx for the ID!!

Shilo Vinograd Russula macrocystidiata
Russula macrocystidiata commented on by Shilo Vinograd Otago, New Zealand12 years ago

well, i've noticed that the first 2 in the link are indeed slimy.. but the third photo looks just right.. so for now i think i'll go with this one..
feel free to prove me wrong.. :)
btw, whats the dif' between a mushroom and a russulas??

Shilo Vinograd Russula macrocystidiata
Russula macrocystidiata commented on by Shilo Vinograd Otago, New Zealand12 years ago

Thanx guys..
I was wondering about it for a while..
can it be a Russula macrocystidiata?

Shilo Vinograd Inornate Ringlet
Inornate Ringlet commented on by Shilo Vinograd Alberta, Canada12 years ago

Ryan, Thanx for the ID!!

Shilo Vinograd Damselfly mating
Damselfly mating commented on by Shilo Vinograd HaZafon, Israel12 years ago

Taka, Thanx for the ID!!

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