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Shilo Vinograd

Shilo Vinograd

Naturalist by blood

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sttweets DanielePralong Carolina Noe and Pili
Yaniv and Sarit Wainer maplemoth662 Giovani injica
Shilo Vinograd Australian White Ibis
Australian White Ibis suggestion by Shilo Vinograd Sydney, New South Wales, Australia13 years ago

Common name: Australian White Ibis
Scientific name: Threskiornis molucca
Wikipedia: Australian White Ibis

Shilo Vinograd Yellow crab spider
Yellow crab spider suggestion by Shilo Vinograd Graz, Steiermark, Austria13 years ago

Common name: Yellow crab spider
Scientific name: Thomisidae

Shilo Vinograd House Sparrow
House Sparrow suggestion by Shilo Vinograd Richmond, Virginia, USA13 years ago

Common name: Sparrow
Wikipedia: Sparrow

Shilo Vinograd Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by Shilo Vinograd Netherlands13 years ago

Common name: Eurasian Collared Dove
Scientific name: Streptopelia decaocto

Shilo Vinograd Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by Shilo Vinograd Netherlands13 years ago

Common name: Great gray owl
Scientific name: strix nebulosa

Shilo Vinograd Blue Marsh Hawk (male)
Blue Marsh Hawk (male) suggestion by Shilo Vinograd Lat: -5.43 Lon: 123.7713 years ago

Common name: Eastern Pondhaw
Scientific name: Erythemis simplicicollis

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