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I am very interested in Sphingidae and other Lepidoptera. I am a 15 year old avid photographer and an aspiring Entomologist.


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Dan Doucette KennethCox Jonathan Sequeira Geodialist
bfridie5 flowntheloop Muckpuk Jacob Gorneau
Sphingid_Matt Red Caterpillar
Red Caterpillar suggestion by Sphingid_Matt Ciudad de Panamá, Panama8 years ago

Common name: Banded Sphinx moth
Scientific name: Eumorpha fasciatus

Sphingid_Matt Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by Sphingid_Matt Michigan, USA8 years ago

Common name: Lettered Sphinx
Scientific name: Deidamia inscriptum

Sphingid_Matt Giant Leopard moth
Giant Leopard moth suggestion by Sphingid_Matt Chenoa, Illinois, USA9 years ago

Common name: Giant Leopard moth
Scientific name: Hypercompe scribonia

Sphingid_Matt Western Sculptured Pine Borer
Western Sculptured Pine Borer suggestion by Sphingid_Matt Washington, USA9 years ago

Common name: Large Flat-headed pine heartwood borer
Scientific name: Chalcophora virginiensis

Sphingid_Matt Six spotted tiger beetle
Six spotted tiger beetle suggestion by Sphingid_Matt Connecticut, USA9 years ago

Common name: Six spotted tiger beetle
Scientific name: Cicindela sexguttata

Sphingid_Matt Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by Sphingid_Matt Zachary, Louisiana, USA10 years ago

Common name: Terse sphinx moth
Scientific name: Xylophanes tersa

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