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Steve A

Steve A

A wildlife carer with a passion for bats. Love photography & hope to be good at it one day.

Tapitallee, NSW, Australia

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AlbertTamayo ReeceJones animaisfotos J.T.Layne
jeslowery Neil Ross CharliePrice Juan DiTrani
Steve A Red-capped Robin
Red-capped Robin suggestion by Steve A Victoria, Australia10 years ago

Common name: Red-capped Robin
Scientific name: Petroica goodenovii

Steve A Brown-headed Cowbird (Immature)
Brown-headed Cowbird (Immature) suggestion by Steve A New York, USA12 years ago

Common name: House Sparrow
Scientific name: Passer domesticus

Steve A Spear Thistle
Spear Thistle suggestion by Steve A Perth, Western Australia, Australia12 years ago

Common name: I agree - Spear thistle
Scientific name: Cirsium vulgare
Wikipedia: Cirsium vulgare

Steve A Plumbago
Plumbago suggestion by Steve A California, USA13 years ago

Common name: Plumbago
Scientific name: Plumbago auriculata

Steve A Cane Toad
Cane Toad suggestion by Steve A Metropolitan Manila, Philippines13 years ago

Common name: Cane Toad
Scientific name: Bufo marinus

Steve A Flame vine/Orange Trumpet creeper
Flame vine/Orange Trumpet creeper suggestion by Steve A New South Wales, Australia13 years ago

Common name: Orange Trumpet Vine
Scientific name: pyrostegia venusta

Steve A Eastern Rosella
Eastern Rosella suggestion by Steve A Las Vegas, Nevada, USA13 years ago

Common name: Eastern Rosella
Scientific name: Platycercus eximius

Steve A Rainbow Lorakeet
Rainbow Lorakeet suggestion by Steve A Las Vegas, Nevada, USA13 years ago

Common name: Rainbow Lorikeet
Scientific name: Trichoglossus haematodus

Steve A Lined Butterflyfish
Lined Butterflyfish suggestion by Steve A Western Australia, Australia13 years ago

Common name: Butterfly Fish?

Steve A Unnamed spotting
Unnamed spotting suggestion by Steve A Lubbock, Texas, USA13 years ago

Common name: Barn Owl
Scientific name: Tyto alba

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