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Mylena Bolgar Reza Hashemizadeh
Mylena Bolgar Reza Hashemizadeh


ViníciusMarssoy Vaillant's Frog
Vaillant's Frog commented on by ViníciusMarssoy Veracruz, Mexico10 years ago


ViníciusMarssoy Minhas Tartarugas
Minhas Tartarugas commented on by ViníciusMarssoy Gravatá, PE, Brazil10 years ago

Yes, Thank you :)

ViníciusMarssoy Tartaruga-de-Casco-Mole
Tartaruga-de-Casco-Mole commented on by ViníciusMarssoy Ontario, Canada10 years ago

Yes I will post pics of my turtles, and thanks for the force :)

ViníciusMarssoy Tartaruga-de-Casco-Mole
Tartaruga-de-Casco-Mole commented on by ViníciusMarssoy Ontario, Canada10 years ago

Thanks, I'm aware you said :) I'll try to take some pictures of turtles, I have two in my house, I'm in Grade 1 and when they finish school I will do Biologcias Sciences.

ViníciusMarssoy Tartaruga-de-Casco-Mole
Tartaruga-de-Casco-Mole commented on by ViníciusMarssoy Ontario, Canada10 years ago

No, no. I took this photo on the internet, but wanted to post this because I love turtles, and for those who do not know are seeing now.

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