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I am an Eagle Scout and the creator of B&H's Turtle Site, a website about turtles.

Southern Illinois

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Jonathan Sequeira NeilDazet Matthijs HemaShah
Marlon829 ShannaB Yasser SaraPaige626
bandhturtlesite Red-eared Slider turtle
Red-eared Slider turtle commented on by bandhturtlesite Virginia, USA12 years ago

Painted Turtles and Red Ears cannot mate together they are to distantly related to produce offspring. However the two turtles are very similar down to their tendencies and mating rituals. Some turtles can cross breed and create hybrid turtles but you are much more likely to have cross breeding between subspecies instead of species, as in this case Red Ear Slider and Yellow Bellied Slider. In Painted Turtles it would be mating between Eastern, Southern, Western and Midland subspecies. You can find other hybrids like a Ouachita Map Turtle and Red Ear Slider hybrid around for sale sometimes but I think they may be infertile if I remember correctly.

bandhturtlesite Red-eared Slider turtle
Red-eared Slider turtle commented on by bandhturtlesite Virginia, USA12 years ago

I think this turtle is a hybrid between a Red Ear Slider and a Yellow Bellied Slider. It has the red supra-temporal marking of the RES but the yellow facial markings of a YBS.

bandhturtlesite Common Assassin Bug
Common Assassin Bug commented on by bandhturtlesite Mackay, Queensland, Australia12 years ago

It looks like a nymph of some Assassin Bug species.

bandhturtlesite turtle
turtle commented on by bandhturtlesite Jackson, Tennessee, USA12 years ago

Looks like a good sized female.

bandhturtlesite Giant Amazon River Turtle
Giant Amazon River Turtle commented on by bandhturtlesite San Francisco, California, USA12 years ago

Cool! I thought it looked like some kind of Amazonian River Turtle.

bandhturtlesite Giant Amazon River Turtle
Giant Amazon River Turtle commented on by bandhturtlesite Agawam, Massachusetts, USA12 years ago

Maybe a Giant Amazon River Turtle (Podocnemis expansa)?

bandhturtlesite Painted turtle
Painted turtle commented on by bandhturtlesite Manchester, New Hampshire, USA12 years ago

Yes location and markings helped me differentiate what subspecies it is. Easter Painted Turtles have a light colored border that goes around the edge of the scutes on the carapace.

bandhturtlesite Painted turtle
Painted turtle commented on by bandhturtlesite Massachusetts, USA12 years ago

That's a good looking Eastern Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta picta)!

bandhturtlesite Painted turtle
Painted turtle commented on by bandhturtlesite Manchester, New Hampshire, USA12 years ago

This one is of the eastern subspecies, Chrysemys picta picta.

bandhturtlesite Eastern Box Turtle (mating pair)
Eastern Box Turtle (mating pair) commented on by bandhturtlesite Virginia, USA12 years ago

Wow! You caught them mating, that is a rare sight to stumble across!

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