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DanielePralong gerard.ornitho William_Dembowski Palaimon
William_Dembowski Dixie Denise Williams Lipase
caldasrafa Dog
Dog suggestion by caldasrafa Mesa, Arizona, USA11 years ago

Common name: Dog
Scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris

caldasrafa Great Egret
Great Egret suggestion by caldasrafa Neptune Township, New Jersey, USA11 years ago

Common name: Great egret (uk), Garzeta grande (es)
Scientific name: Ardea alba egretta
Wikipedia: Great Egret

caldasrafa Water born
Water born suggestion by caldasrafa Nagaon, Assam, India11 years ago

Common name: Duckweed (uk), Lenteja de agua (es)
Scientific name: Lemna sp

caldasrafa Mejillón (es) Mussel (en) Mexilón (ga)
Mejillón (es) Mussel (en) Mexilón (ga) suggestion by caldasrafa Vigo, Galicia, Spain12 years ago

Common name: Mexilón
Scientific name: Mitylus galloprovincialis

caldasrafa Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by caldasrafa Braga, Braga, Portugal12 years ago

Common name: Hifoloma de láminas verdes
Scientific name: Hypholoma fasciculare

caldasrafa Male Mallard Duck
Male Mallard Duck suggestion by caldasrafa Sanibel, Florida, USA12 years ago

Common name: Azulón
Scientific name: Anas platyrhynchos

caldasrafa Male Mallard Duck
Male Mallard Duck suggestion by caldasrafa Bay Lake, Florida, USA12 years ago

Common name: Azulón
Scientific name: Anas platyrhynchos

caldasrafa Juvinile Lobster
Juvinile Lobster suggestion by caldasrafa Maine, USA12 years ago

Common name: Bogavante americano
Scientific name: Homarus americanus
Wikipedia: American lobster

caldasrafa Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by caldasrafa Galicia, Spain12 years ago

Common name: Cangrejo verde europeo
Scientific name: Carcinus maenas

caldasrafa Crayfish
Crayfish suggestion by caldasrafa St Edmundsbury, England, United Kingdom12 years ago

Scientific name: Leniusculus Pacifastacus

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