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I'm a recently graduated Biology, Environmental and Zoology student and I absolutely adore nature. I like hiking and photography :)

Trinidad and Tobago

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MaxLewis Dan Doucette Mohammed Al-Saleh Sergio Monteiro
Nacho Garcia Zlatan Celebic Ingrid3 K Bailey
celestialprincess101 Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by celestialprincess101 Trinidad and Tobago10 years ago

Thank you!

celestialprincess101 Gladiator Tree Frog
Gladiator Tree Frog commented on by celestialprincess101 Trinidad and Tobago10 years ago

Thank you :)

celestialprincess101 Cuban treefrog
Cuban treefrog commented on by celestialprincess101 Boca Raton, Florida, USA10 years ago

Nice fella!

celestialprincess101 Saddleback Moth Caterpillar
Saddleback Moth Caterpillar commented on by celestialprincess101 Trinidad and Tobago10 years ago

Thank you bayuuca. I'll check it out.

Thank you everyone.

celestialprincess101 Tree Hopper
Tree Hopper commented on by celestialprincess101 Trinidad and Tobago10 years ago

Thank you everyone.

celestialprincess101 Tree Hopper
Tree Hopper commented on by celestialprincess101 Trinidad and Tobago10 years ago

Thank you Lauren :)

celestialprincess101 Tree Hopper
Tree Hopper commented on by celestialprincess101 Trinidad and Tobago10 years ago

hehe. I admit, they are cool and are always on the move.

celestialprincess101 Stinging Nettle Slug Caterpillar (Cup Moth, Limacodidae)
Stinging Nettle Slug Caterpillar (Cup Moth, Limacodidae) commented on by celestialprincess101 普洱市, 云南, Paracel Islands10 years ago


celestialprincess101 Giant Owl Butterfly
Giant Owl Butterfly commented on by celestialprincess101 Trinidad and Tobago10 years ago

Thank you!

celestialprincess101 Leaf Beetle
Leaf Beetle commented on by celestialprincess101 Trinidad and Tobago10 years ago

Alticini looks more like it. Thank you.

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