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kozoga Chinche (Shield bug)
Chinche (Shield bug) commented on by kozoga Comunidad Valenciana / Comunitat Valenciana, Spain9 years ago

Thank you very much. It is a pleasure to work with you.

kozoga Fiery-eyed Dancer
Fiery-eyed Dancer commented on by kozoga Hidalgo, Mexico9 years ago

Fantástico ejemplar! Saludos!

kozoga Macaón (Old world swallowtail)
Macaón (Old world swallowtail) commented on by kozoga Burriana / Borriana, Comunidad Valenciana / Comunitat Valenciana, Spain9 years ago


kozoga Chorlitejo chico (Little ringed plover)
Chorlitejo chico (Little ringed plover) commented on by kozoga Chinchilla de Monte-Aragón, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain9 years ago

Gracias María. Uno intenta conseguir los "cromos" que puede. Espero poder seguir aumentando la colección. Un saludo!

kozoga Cicindela
Cicindela commented on by kozoga Ludiente, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain9 years ago

Hello Lauren. It's a pretty small animal (2 cm. Approx.)

kozoga Bengal Tiger
Bengal Tiger commented on by kozoga Madhya Pradesh, India10 years ago


kozoga Flower spider
Flower spider commented on by kozoga Војводина, Serbia10 years ago


kozoga Iguana marina (Marine iguana)
Iguana marina (Marine iguana) commented on by kozoga Provincia de Galápagos, Ecuador10 years ago

Thank you very much to all. Greetings.

kozoga Crane fly
Crane fly commented on by kozoga Portugal10 years ago

It is a female, but I don´t know the species (Tipula sp.?). Good shot!

kozoga White leg Damselfly. Patiblanco
White leg Damselfly. Patiblanco commented on by kozoga Viver, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain10 years ago

Hola Eulalia. Esto que nos muestras no es un Ischnura, Es un Platycnemis (probablemente P. latipes aunque no estoy completamente seguro). El de la primera imagen es un macho y el de la segunda creo que es hembra. Salud!

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