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Most certainly not Coprinellus micaceus or any other species in Coprinellus sect. Micacei...
I guess this could be an Agaricus, I'm not really sure about that though.
What color are the gills and/or spores? Looks like its either Psathyrellaceae or Bolbitiaceae.
It only has that yellow UV as a pin which completely disappears with age or presents itself on the stem base as seen here.
It is a poorly known species besides a few MO observations & Smith's description of a single collection from Southern CA besides being relatively common here. And yea, at the very least we would need to find someone who has scoped many Brazilian or at the least South American inky caps.
This doesn't seem to look anything like Amanita umbrinella...
Its a cup fungi, it looks distinctive enough that someone at ascofrance might be able to name it without micro, if you have specimens I'm sure you could interest someone there enough to work on it.