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Sri Lanka

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Saumya Wanniarachchi NuwanChathuranga AntónioGinjaGinja Bhagya Herath
NuwanChathuranga Dhiren Machi Bhagya Herath
tharangihettiarachchi.titi Green pit viper
Green pit viper commented on by tharangihettiarachchi.titi Sri Lanka9 years ago

:-) thank u !!!!!

tharangihettiarachchi.titi Green pit viper
Green pit viper commented on by tharangihettiarachchi.titi Sri Lanka9 years ago

thank u very much JoshuaGSmith :-) :-)

tharangihettiarachchi.titi Green Garden Lizard
Green Garden Lizard commented on by tharangihettiarachchi.titi Kandy CP, Sri Lanka9 years ago

ahh haaa thatz cool :-) thanx for the comment bro

tharangihettiarachchi.titi Unnamed spotting
Unnamed spotting commented on by tharangihettiarachchi.titi Kandy CP, Sri Lanka9 years ago

thankuu very much 4 the comment :-)

tharangihettiarachchi.titi Green Garden Lizard
Green Garden Lizard commented on by tharangihettiarachchi.titi Kandy CP, Sri Lanka9 years ago

Thank u very much for ur encouraging words James McNair.... :-)

tharangihettiarachchi.titi Unnamed spotting
Unnamed spotting commented on by tharangihettiarachchi.titi Galkulama NCP, Sri Lanka9 years ago

thank u very much James McNair :-)

tharangihettiarachchi.titi Sri Lankan green pit viper
Sri Lankan green pit viper commented on by tharangihettiarachchi.titi Kandy CP, Sri Lanka9 years ago

Congratssss dilan !!!!!!!!!! :-)

tharangihettiarachchi.titi Green Garden Lizard
Green Garden Lizard commented on by tharangihettiarachchi.titi Kama, Nangarhar, Afghanistan9 years ago

thank u very much :-)

Dilan and Nuwan chathuranga - thank u very much for making me correct :-) . I'll correct it.

tharangihettiarachchi.titi Unnamed spotting
Unnamed spotting commented on by tharangihettiarachchi.titi Galkulama NCP, Sri Lanka9 years ago

:-) thank u....!!!!!!!!!!!

tharangihettiarachchi.titi Unnamed spotting
Unnamed spotting commented on by tharangihettiarachchi.titi Galkulama NCP, Sri Lanka9 years ago

:-) thank u very much!!!!!!

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