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A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife

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Animals with Warning Colors
879 participants
1,589 spottings

Animals with Warning Colors

Many animals use colors in the opposite way of camouflage. They have bright colors wich make them highly ...

Parental care in insects and other invertebrates
518 participants
315 spottings

Parental care in insects and ...

[PLEASE READ the instructions under Overview first!*]. Did you know that some of the lesser creatures engage in ...

Fruiting Bodies of the World
1,137 participants
6,261 spottings

Fruiting Bodies of the World

This mission is about mapping all the different kinds of fruiting bodies around the world. This doesn't ...

The Color Blue
2,539 participants
5,863 spottings

The Color Blue

There are so many incredible animals in the color blue. However, at the same time, they are few when considering ...

Wildlife rescue & rehabilitation
700 participants
1,016 spottings

Wildlife rescue & rehabilitation

Please share photos of wildlife in accredited sanctuaries and centers for animals rescued from situations ...

Snakes of the United States - Center for Snake Conservation
1,458 participants
3,560 spottings

Snakes of the United States - ...

Snakes play vital roles as mid- to top-level predators in our natural ecosystems but they are often very ...

Interaction between different species of Arthropods
764 participants
1,748 spottings

Interaction between different ...

The objective of this mission is to collect pictures of the interaction between different species of arthropods. ...

Mimetic Animals of the World
1,387 participants
5,769 spottings

Mimetic Animals of the World

One of the most striking survival strategies of animals is mimicking their environment. Mimetism can be used for ...

Mushroom Mapping
6,124 participants
29,006 spottings

Mushroom Mapping

Mushroom ecology is a pivotal orientation point for exploring urban systems. Help us gather important data and ...

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