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Leaf Beetle; Crisomela de cuello rugoso arlanda 4 1 Leaf Beetle; Crisomela de cuello rugoso
Two-spotted Grass Bug ForestDragon 2 0 Two-spotted Grass Bug
Oleander hawk-moth HesoArnieJamesMayo 0 0 Oleander hawk-moth
American Kestrel babies AshleyT 3 0 American Kestrel babies
Grass Spider Phantom2002 1 0 Grass Spider
Horse Lubber Grasshopper Wandering Naturalist 8 1 Horse Lubber Grasshopper
Leopard Slug Micah Nicholson 0 1 Leopard Slug
Red-tailed Hawk Wandering Naturalist 7 0 Red-tailed Hawk
Crested myna AlbertTamayo 2 1 Crested myna
Podarcis wagleriana MicheleTorrisi 2 4 Podarcis wagleriana
Spotting EdSanderson 1 2 Spotting
Spotting Vinny 6 6 Spotting
Blue-fronted amazon parrot ch6374329 2 0 Blue-fronted amazon parrot
Lincoln's Sparrow Machi 0 0 Lincoln's Sparrow
Horsfield’s Bronze-cuckoo armadeus.4 3 4 Horsfield’s Bronze-cuckoo
Chinese mantis Keith Wyatt 2 1 Chinese mantis
Pearl-Necked Dove Deepti S 1 0 Pearl-Necked Dove
Dwarf Yellow Headed Gecko MudWiggle 21 12 Dwarf Yellow Headed Gecko
Great Egret Mary Henschel Chadsey 5 1 Great Egret
Huntsman spider KitchilPus 4 0 Huntsman spider
Sea Hare LaurenL 0 0 Sea Hare
unknown mammal tracks dcslaugh 0 2 unknown mammal tracks
Wire Coral andreweleighton 14 3 Wire Coral
Lantana LilianaCampuzano-Arias 1 0 Lantana
Spotting Nate Varns 1 0 Spotting
Bulls eye Moth Daniela Bracamonte 2 1 Bulls eye Moth
Black Capped Chickadee Paul Zerhusen 0 5 Black Capped Chickadee
Large Milkweed Bug Cobalt Blues 1 1 Large Milkweed Bug
Great grey shrike Thanasis Samaras 7 2 Great grey shrike
Spotting FrankiHowell 1 0 Spotting
Hair ice (also Frost flower) TraceyRunciman 3 4 Hair ice (also Frost flower)
Blue Swallowtail/The Pipevine Swallowtail Francisco Ramírez 1 0 Blue Swallowtail/The Pipevine Swallowtail
Dark-eyed Junco Jim Nelson 4 0 Dark-eyed Junco
Pholiota aurivella RandyL. 3 0 Pholiota aurivella
Colibrí Turmalina Juan Manuel Patiño Gallego 1 0 Colibrí Turmalina
Woolly False Vampire Bat LeonardoMB 4 2 Woolly False Vampire Bat
Common Snapping Turtle OwenQuirk 1 2 Common Snapping Turtle
Clavate Tortoise Beetle Machi 1 0 Clavate Tortoise Beetle
Ligularia Jesse Jones 1 0 Ligularia
Ring-billed Gull dcslaugh 1 6 Ring-billed Gull
Red Tailed Hawk Mason Jordan Dalton 0 2 Red Tailed Hawk
Spotted orbweaver Brianne McGowan 1 0 Spotted orbweaver
Nursery web spider Hannah Davis 1 0 Nursery web spider
Spotting Shu-jen E. Dinsay 0 1 Spotting
Tersa Sphinx atravis055 1 0 Tersa Sphinx
Rat Snake Vipul Ramanuj 4 1 Rat Snake
Hipopótamo (Hippo) kozoga 5 2 Hipopótamo (Hippo)
Halloween Pennant janis 1 0 Halloween Pennant
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