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0 1 Eucalyptus Snout Beetle

Eucalyptus Snout Beetle

by Christiane2449, New South Wales, Australia

4 7 Eucalyptus Snout Beetle

Eucalyptus Snout Beetle

by CindyBinghamKeiserPoway, California, USA

Orange weevil with red eyes

4 4 Eucalyptus weevil

Eucalyptus weevil

by TicThapanyaจังหวัดเชียงใหม่, Thailand

yellow snout

0 1 Tiny weevil

Tiny weevil

by Argy BeeVictoria, Australia

a eucalyptus leaf with a clam-like shell ...

0 3 Eucalyptus Weevil Larvae

Eucalyptus Weevil Larvae

by StephenSolomonsGosford, New South Wales, Australia

Identification by martini. I think, to some extent, the colour has been ...

2 0 Eucalyptus snout beetle

Eucalyptus snout beetle

by Argy BeeMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

About 12mm. Rough brown back; weevil-like head; hopper-like legs.

5 0 Gum Tree Weevil

Gum Tree Weevil

by kdpicturemakerNew South Wales, Australia

Also known as Elephant Beetle or Weevil. ...

5 7 Eucalyptus Weevil (Elephant Beetle)

Eucalyptus Weevil (Elephant Beetle)

by kdpicturemakerNew South Wales, Australia

Small beetle, distinctive elongated & broad ...

1 3 Eucalyptus weevil; Gorgojo del  eucalipto

Eucalyptus weevil; Gorgojo del eucalipto

by arlandaSan Tirso de Abres, Asturias, Spain

Curculionidae. Brown-oranged colored weevil 7-9 mm long with the characteristic ...

29 14 Wattle Pig/Elephant Beetle (Weevil)

Wattle Pig/Elephant Beetle (Weevil)

by kdpicturemakerNew South Wales, Australia

Beetle due to the rostrum or

5 5 Leaf-roller Weevil

Leaf-roller Weevil

by Leuba RidgwayVictoria, Australia

. The thorax was elogated and cylindrical. The rostrum/

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