A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
A patch of Hemp Agrimony - (Eupatorium cannabinum) growing in a wildlife reserve
A Hornet Mimic Hoverfly, spotted in the Midlands, England
The larvae live as commensals in nests of wasps of the genus Vespula. Like all ...
This huge hornet mimic fly stopped in on our lemon tree this morning. Thanks to ...
this golden, yellow fly was sitting on Ligustrum vulgare
Large fly, brightly colored in red and yellow.
It is native to Europe. This specimen was found on the fig tree. Preferences of ...
Vespula. Like all Volucella, the adults ...
Vespula. Like all Volucella, the adults ...
. It is a fly disguised as a wasp!
There are various beautiful insects visiting the giant daisies in my garden. I ...