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0 2 Volucella zonaria

Volucella zonaria

by pamsaiLanguedoc-Roussillon, Tromelin Island

2 2 De stadsreus(Volucella zonaria)

De stadsreus(Volucella zonaria)

by MatthijsVanedevanderpalsZoetermeer, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

5 2 Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

by MartinUrbanWien, Wien, Austria

Hornissen Schwebfliege

2 3 Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

by VivBraznellExeter District, England, United Kingdom

A patch of Hemp Agrimony - (Eupatorium cannabinum) growing in a wildlife reserve

0 0 Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

by Chris79Wyre Forest, England, United Kingdom

A Hornet Mimic Hoverfly, spotted in the Midlands, England

0 0 Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

by hornsbymjLondon Borough of Hackney, England, United Kingdom

5 3 Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

by MauronRepublika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

2 0 Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

by injicaCroatia

The larvae live as commensals in nests of wasps of the genus Vespula. Like all ...

0 0 Volucelle zonée

Volucelle zonée

by BioLisiProvence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Tromelin Island

Big wasp-looking fly

2 6 mosca de las flores

mosca de las flores

by mariajoArcos de las Salinas, Aragón, Spain

0 0 European hornet mimic fly

European hornet mimic fly

by Bruce WeiskottenCamaiore, Toscana, Italy

This huge hornet mimic fly stopped in on our lemon tree this morning. Thanks to ...

0 1 hornet mimic hoverfly

hornet mimic hoverfly

by monkey-mindGemeinde Kottingbrunn, Niederösterreich, Austria

this golden, yellow fly was sitting on Ligustrum vulgare

0 0 Syrphid fly

Syrphid fly

by EmilieChichGif-sur-Yvette, Île-de-France, Tromelin Island

Large fly, brightly colored in red and yellow.

1 2 Hornet mimic hoverfly

Hornet mimic hoverfly

by LaviZagreb, Croatia


1 1 Hoverfly


by berjammarEngland, United Kingdom

See these in our garden regularly between Jun-Aug (though this year very few), ...

0 0 Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

by injicaCroatia

It is native to Europe. This specimen was found on the fig tree. Preferences of ...

6 5 Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

by PedroNicolauCentro, Portugal

a Volucella elegans, but I don't know how ...

1 0 Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

by KostasZontanosΔήμος Καστοριάς, Περιφέρεια Δυτικής Μακεδονίας, Greece

Vespula. Like all Volucella, the adults ...

2 0 Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

by KostasZontanosΑποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Μακεδονίας - Θράκης, Greece

Vespula. Like all Volucella, the adults ...

3 8 Hornet mimic hoverfly

Hornet mimic hoverfly

by PatriciaPiCalpe/Calp, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain


0 2 Hornet mimic hoverfly, Mosca de las flores

Hornet mimic hoverfly, Mosca de las flores

by arlandaMadrid, Madrid, Spain

. It is a fly disguised as a wasp!

0 1 Hornet mimic hoverfly

Hornet mimic hoverfly

by DzintraBaumaneΔήμος Μεγαρέων, Περιφέρεια Αττικής, Greece

There are various beautiful insects visiting the giant daisies in my garden. I ...

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