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Signature Spider

Argiope luzona


Argiope luzona (Walckenaer 1841). This spider constructed its web in a thicket of trees and bushes which have been allowed to grow wild to form a kind of "rustic" hedge. I catch glimpses of this rather elderly female Argiope luzona, from time to time, and I think that she must be the oldest spider in our backyard. If you were to ask me how I can tell, in general, that a spider is very old, I could not give you a proper answer. I can only say that when I look at an Argiope luzona, I just seem to know instinctively. However, in this case, I know because I have seen it from time to time for well over a year. So, why have I not posted a spotting of this one sooner? Because its web is deep inside a thicket which always seems to have a strong presence of Asian Weaver Ants. Today, I noticed that much of the foliage has fallen down (it happens at around this time of year when the dry season is taking effect). That gave me a chance to get some views of my oldest Argiope friend.


This Signature Spider was spotted in our backyard. I think that pictures #2 and #3 show the spider's habitat better than I can describe it in words.


When I saw the way in which this spider seems to have, constantly, woven its web through the thick growth of twigs and leaves, as if they were not there (and as a result, must suffer great damage in windy conditions), I found myself thinking if elderly spiders (like us humans) might suffer from some form of dementia. Why would any spider, in its right mind, not move a short distance to a better spot. After all, this kind of spider can throw up a beautiful web in less than two hours (including the best stabilimentum on the planet). I soon realised that this spider knows a secret or two about survival and since it is unlikely that she will ever decide to tell us her secrets, science is going to have to devise ways of teasing the information out of her so that we can all understand at least a little of the private world of the Argiope luzona. Footnote: I should have pointed out that the first photo was taken yesterday and the other two, today.

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John B.
John B. 6 months ago

Thank you. Brian38.

Brian38 6 months ago

Congratulations John B. On your Ranger Badge! You are so deserving! This is another amazing spotting!

John B.
Spotted by
John B.

Spotted on Jan 26, 2024
Submitted on Jan 26, 2024

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