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Dragon Fly (female)

Plathemis lydia


Here is a female of the species Plathemis lydia. What you see here is the female splashing water onto her egg mass. While you cannot see the eggs, they are a little higher up on the rock than the top of the water, as the water has dropped quite a bit due to recent warmer temperatures, and natural drainage of the stream that cuts across the back of the property.


What is extremely interesting about this behavior, is the fact that the mother continually takes care of her offspring until they hatch. Something humans rarely consider when thinking or talking about insects of any kind. The care and constant attention she's giving to her brood to make sure that they hatch and are able to get into the water and not dry out is amazing. It's maternal instinct at it's base level. Procreation and instinct to ensure the next generation has the highest chance of survival is universal. (not always seen, however in this case it's extremely awesome)

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BrandonBlount 12 years ago

Thank you Karen! I bet as the ponds fill up and stabilize you will be seeing lots more of them around.

KarenL 12 years ago

How fascinating! We have the Common whitetails around here too. Hopefully we will see more of them when are ponds are up & running.

BrandonBlount 12 years ago

Thank you all! This is an amazing thing to have been able to spend the time to witness. If you ever get the chance to sit and just watch for a while you will see some amazing things happening in nature.

Jeannette 12 years ago

Wow, very interesting :)

auntnance123 12 years ago

Excellently cool!

Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 12 years ago

Man, this is a definitely a showstopping sight! I really expect to see something like that one day. Congrats Malcolm.

Spotted by

New York, USA

Spotted on Jun 8, 2012
Submitted on Jun 8, 2012

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