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American White Ibis

Eudocimus albus


American White Ibis out walking the streets of Tampa, FL

2 Species ID Suggestions

American White Ibis
American White Ibis American White Ibis
HemaShah 12 years ago
American Ibis
Eudocimus albus American White Ibis

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SriElizabeth 12 years ago

Thank you very much!

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

The white plumage and pink facial skin of adult American White Ibises are distinctive. Adults have black wingtips that are usually only visible in flight. In non-breeding condition the long downcurved bill and long legs are bright red-orange. During the first ten days of the breeding season, the skin darkens to a deep pink on the bill and an almost purple-tinted red on the legs. It then fades to a paler pink, and the tip of the bill becomes blackish

Spotted by

Tampa, Florida, USA

Spotted on Jun 4, 2012
Submitted on Jun 4, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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