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Monarch Butterfly Larva (First Instar)

Danaus plexippus


The First Instar Larva of the Monarch Butterfly, Danaus plexippus, is immediately recognizable by two non-venomous "horns" on either side of the caterpillar and the yellow, black, and white stripes visible even on the head. The larva here, which was only a few millimeters long, can be seen eating a Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca), though the bite marks were only a few bits of the milkweed, not even visible from the other side of the leaf.


Danaus plexippus feeds on Milkweed (Asclepias sp.).


I can't wait until he is big enough to begin rearing! Too small now, though! I would lose him/her in an instant!

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Jacob Gorneau
Jacob Gorneau 11 years ago

Thanks Ann!

annorion 11 years ago

Nice spotting!

Jacob Gorneau
Spotted by
Jacob Gorneau

New York, USA

Spotted on Jul 6, 2012
Submitted on Jul 6, 2012

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