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Australian Pelican

Pelecanus conspicillatus


Pic n video taken at National Zoo, Malaysia. At first I thought its funny... "what's up with this fella". Then the Zoo Ranger told us, this pelican is old, and blind both eyes. So it can't see anything, need to be feed for eating and drinking. Bird watchers/ lovers, hope we can learn something, and help this kind of birds. Poor guy...

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Zulkifly Amir
Zulkifly Amir 12 years ago

thanks maria. its touch our heart to sew the ranger feed the pelican.
the video shows the bird just keep rotating until being feed.

Maria dB
Maria dB 12 years ago

While we usually ask that people are cropped out of photos, this is an interesting spotting. Great that they are accommodating this poor bird's needs.

Zulkifly Amir
Spotted by
Zulkifly Amir

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Spotted on Jun 25, 2012
Submitted on Jun 25, 2012

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