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French marigold

Tagetes patula


This flower is red in color and was having yellow colored outline. The flower is an annual, growing to 0.5 m by 0.3 m. It is in flower from July to October, and the seeds ripen in September. The flowers are hermaphrodite (having both male and female organs) and are pollinated by insects. They are noted for attracting wildlife. The leaves of the marigold are coated with oily glands that produce a pungent scent.


It is native to the Americas and South Europe


Liquid concentrate from the flower and leaves is said to be used medicinally in eastern culture to stop nasal bleeding. In addition to coloring foods, yellow dye from the flowers is also used to color textiles.

2 Species ID Suggestions

Calendula officinalis
Jeannette 12 years ago
Tagetes Tagetes

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Sumukha Javagal
Sumukha Javagal 12 years ago

Thank you MariaPomsaharova..:-)

MariaPomsaharova 12 years ago


Sumukha Javagal
Sumukha Javagal 12 years ago

Yes Jeannette.. I also thought the same after seeing both of these..!

Jeannette 12 years ago

It's two different things... It's not a Calendula but a Tagetes.... Funny the common name is the same :)

Sumukha Javagal
Sumukha Javagal 12 years ago

That was a perfect genus jeannette..:-) Thank you very much.. I think it is French Marigold. Pls see this link and tel me once-

Sumukha Javagal
Sumukha Javagal 12 years ago

I think this is definitely not a Marigold @MariaSantosMoises.. The leaf pattern is very different.

Jolly Ibañez
Jolly Ibañez 12 years ago

Sorry Sumukha, I have no idea.

Sumukha Javagal
Sumukha Javagal 12 years ago

Thanks Jolly.. Any ID suggestions?

Jolly Ibañez
Jolly Ibañez 12 years ago

Strange-looking flower but beautiful.

Sumukha Javagal
Spotted by
Sumukha Javagal

Shimoga, Karnataka, India

Spotted on Jul 11, 2011
Submitted on Jul 3, 2012

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