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Catfish spp.


Small fish, less than an inch long. Schools of them swimming all over the pond, probably several thousand fish at least.


Great Bear Recreation Area Pond

1 Species ID Suggestions

ToriaBayer 12 years ago

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williamraysanchez 11 years ago

I agree my cousin and I catch them in the summer

Jc McNelly
Jc McNelly 12 years ago

Very cool! My guess is that they are black bullhead catfish Ameiurus melas, based on the schooling, color, and tail.

bee.jacbs 12 years ago

Yes, they do look like tadpoles. I was with another person hiking and she spotted them first, but also thought they were tadpoles from far away. When we got up close we could see the whiskers and also see that there were far to many across the whole pool to be tadpoles.

ASH247 12 years ago

If u hadn't have pointed that out u would've thought they were tadpoles, now I see it clearly. Nice spotting!

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

i like this spotting because it shows the whiskers so clearly. The whiskers gives this fish the name of " Cat Fish"

Spotted by

Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA

Spotted on Jul 3, 2012
Submitted on Jul 5, 2012

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