A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
There were a dozen Pelicans at the lake but three kept flying around, playing.
Lake Poway. "They winter on the Pacific and Gulf of Mexico coasts from central California and Florida south to Panama, and along the Mississippi River at least as far north as St. Louis, Missouri. In winter quarters, they are rarely found on the open seashore, preferring estuaries and lakes."
Thank you surekha!
Beautiful series, Cindy!
Thank you Karen for choosing my series for the Fun Fact of the Day! I admit I didn't know anything about their feeding habits until now. There's so much to learn :)
Thank you António!
Beautiful capture Cindy,congrats and thanks for sharing
Fun fact! The American white pelican can hold 3 gallons of water in its bill!
Pelicans are opportunistic feeders; though they mainly consume fish and crustaceans, they have been documented eating turtles and even drowning and swallowing seagulls. Pelicans hunt by catching their prey in their gular sack or pouch, then tipping it back to drain out water before swallowing. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=...
Thank you Ava and Johan :)
Perfect timing Cindy! Thanks for sharing.
Great series, Cindy!
Thank you gatorfellows :)
nice series :)
Thank you Daniele :)
Great action series Cindy!