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Twelve-spotted Skimmer

Libellula pulchella


Large, 3 black spots on each wing. Two small yellow spots behind each eye. Yellow thoracic stripe. Abdomen is a powdery whitish-blue with a cream colored stripe running the length of each side.


Urban garden


I kept seeing this dragonfly landing on one of the stakes in my flowerbed. Every time I tried to photograph it, it flew away. Finally, I got close enough for a decent picture, as I tried to get closer it would fly away again, but if I remained still, it would soon return. I kept getting closer until it finally flew away for good.

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KeithRoragen 11 years ago

Thanks Noel.

Noel Buensuceso
Noel Buensuceso 11 years ago

Nice spot!

Spotted by

Omaha, Nebraska, USA

Spotted on Jul 8, 2012
Submitted on Jul 8, 2012

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