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Yellow-spotted Ringlet or Gelbgefleckter Mohrenfalter

Erebia manto


The Yellow-spotted Ringlet is a member of the Satyrinae subfamily of Nymphalidae. It is associated with (sub)alpine meadows at 900-2,500m. It resembles and shares its habitat with the Mountain ringlet, Erebia epiphron.


Alpine meadow, alt. 1600m ASL. Distribution: the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Cantabrian Mountains, the Massif Central, the Vosges Mountains, the Carpathian Mountains and the mountains of Herzegovina.


Note the red mite on the butterfly on the first shot.

1 Species ID Suggestions

bayucca 12 years ago
Gelbgefleckter Mohrenfalter
Erebia manto

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DanielePralong 11 years ago

Thank you Berndt!

DanielePralong 12 years ago

Thank you Julio! It is nice to see you here.

DanielePralong 12 years ago

Thanks Satyen! On the last two shots I was actually crawling under the flower to try and get an underside shot (this butterfly was determined to rest with its wings open). The best I could manage was #2 before it flew off:-)

Wild Things
Wild Things 12 years ago

Lovely series! Loved the last pic!

DanielePralong 12 years ago

Thanks Daniele and Susan, and thanks bayucca for helping with ID! These ringlets can be so variable!

SusanEllison 12 years ago

great capture

bayucca 12 years ago

I think it is Manto, if you look at the typical spots on the forewing and often missing spots on the hindwing. Match is much better with Manto than Epiphron.

DB 12 years ago

Pretty one!

Spotted by

Lauenen, Bern - Berne, Switzerland

Spotted on Jul 26, 2012
Submitted on Aug 6, 2012

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